With all the rumors floating around, the Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 has been listed on a retail e-commerce website. With the OEM already sending out invites for an event to be held in New Delhi on 19th of this month, the launch of this smartphone has become more imminent. Note that the event is scheduled to release the next version of Xiaomi's OS, the MIUI. But, it is expected that the manufacturer might reveal this device as well.
According to the listing, the smartphone runs on MIUI7 (to be launched in the upcoming event) based on Android 5.1 (Lollipop), and is powered by a MediaTek 2.2 GHz chipset with eight cores and 2 GB RAM.
It has also been revealed that the device is equipped with a 5.5 inch full HD display, the screen resolution being 1920x1080 pixels. The device is also expected to feature a 13 MP primary camera and a 5 MP secondary camera. The internal storage will be 16 GB, and there will be no option to expand the storage.
The good news is the global support of 4G LTE-FDD bands. The battery capacity is expected to be 3,600 mAh.
The listing marks the price at $199, which appears to be a steal deal, given the specifications.
It has also been revealed that the device is equipped with a 5.5 inch full HD display, the screen resolution being 1920x1080 pixels. The device is also expected to feature a 13 MP primary camera and a 5 MP secondary camera. The internal storage will be 16 GB, and there will be no option to expand the storage.
The good news is the global support of 4G LTE-FDD bands. The battery capacity is expected to be 3,600 mAh.
The listing marks the price at $199, which appears to be a steal deal, given the specifications.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 leaked specifications
Operating System: Android 5.1 (Lollipop)
Processor: 2.2 GHz octa-core
Processor: 2.2 GHz octa-core
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Storage: 16 GB internal
Display: 5.5 inch full HD
Primary camera: 13 megapixel
Secondary camera: 5 megapixel
Battery: 3,600 mAh
Price: $199
Price: $199
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