Lenovo today launched in India the Vibe Shot, a smartphone that is set to transform instant photography experience with its impeccable camera features. Note that it was first announced during Mobile World Congress in March this year. The device is expected to be a head-turner that blends elegant design with trend-setting photo capabilities and sharp display. The device packs fantastic hardware under the hood encased in metal and glass.
The Onboard BSI sensor and optical image stabilization function minimizes motion blur even under low-light conditions. The device also has Infrared auto-focus, ensuring that users will never miss a precious moment again. Best of all, the smartphone has an amazingly user-friendly Smart and Pro camera mode, which makes it super-easy for novice photographers, yet offers seasoned photographers greater control over the images they want to capture.
The device is thin and light-weight. It sports an aluminum frame with chamfered edges, reinforced by Corning Gorilla Glass 3 at both front and rear. The smartphone has first-of-its kind especially designed tricolor flash system that automatically adjusts luminosity based on ambient light conditions, providing the most natural-colored images. Sporting a 5-inch full HD display with 1920x1080 IPS, and 16 MP rear camera with a 6-element lens module, it captures detailed and sharp images and offers an immersive user experience.
The device runs on Android Lollipop, and supports 4G connectivity. It runs on 64-bit Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 1.7 GHz octa-core processor, and has 3 GB RAM and 32 GB internal storage. The storage space is expandable up to 128 GB via the micro SD slot.
The smartphone is priced at ₹25,499 ($390 approx.), and is available starting today.
The Onboard BSI sensor and optical image stabilization function minimizes motion blur even under low-light conditions. The device also has Infrared auto-focus, ensuring that users will never miss a precious moment again. Best of all, the smartphone has an amazingly user-friendly Smart and Pro camera mode, which makes it super-easy for novice photographers, yet offers seasoned photographers greater control over the images they want to capture.
The device is thin and light-weight. It sports an aluminum frame with chamfered edges, reinforced by Corning Gorilla Glass 3 at both front and rear. The smartphone has first-of-its kind especially designed tricolor flash system that automatically adjusts luminosity based on ambient light conditions, providing the most natural-colored images. Sporting a 5-inch full HD display with 1920x1080 IPS, and 16 MP rear camera with a 6-element lens module, it captures detailed and sharp images and offers an immersive user experience.
The device runs on Android Lollipop, and supports 4G connectivity. It runs on 64-bit Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 1.7 GHz octa-core processor, and has 3 GB RAM and 32 GB internal storage. The storage space is expandable up to 128 GB via the micro SD slot.
The smartphone is priced at ₹25,499 ($390 approx.), and is available starting today.
Lenovo Vibe Shot specifications
Operating System: Android 5.1 (Lollipop)
Processor: 1.7 GHz octa-core
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Storage: 32 GB internal (expandable up to 128 GB)
Display: 5.0 inch FHD
Resolution (pixels): 1920x1080
Primary camera: 16 megapixel
Secondary camera: 8 megapixel
Battery: 3,000 mAh
Dimensions (WidthxHeightxDepth): 70.0x142.7x7.6 mm
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