Samsung India today announced the launch of its slimmest tablet, the Galaxy Tab S2. It is 4G enabled, and delivers a stunning Super AMOLED display, optimized with all new 4:3 screen ratio for best reading and browsing experience. It is stylishly designed with a metal frame and packs powerful performance features to offer enhanced usability, empowering users with new and improved choices in entertainment, productivity and multitasking. Note that there were a series of leaks regarding this device a couple of months back.
Packaged within the world thinnest and lightest metal tablet frame of its size, the tablet is portable enough to easily carry around all day. Also, the fashionable and stylish design is suitable for any purpose or setting, so users can enjoy the best viewing experience anywhere, anytime.
The device is super-slim and ultra-light at just 5.6 mm, and weighs only 392 g. Adaptive Display intelligently adjusts the display quality based on the environment and ambient lighting. Reading Mode modifies the screen's brightness level to help users to read content for longer periods of time without straining their eyes.
It comes with a new feature known as Side Sync that helps consumers replicate and control a smartphone or a laptop via the tablet itself. All features of a smartphone can be accessed easily on the tablet, even if the smartphone is kept away. This avoids the need of using two devices, and hence, helps in advanced usability. In addition, the device offers multi-tasking, allowing users to view and run two apps simultaneously. Also with Pop-Up Window, users can easily navigate between multiple apps at once.
The device delivers unmatched mobility to cater to high-efficiency users seeking maximized productivity. The tablet comes fully equipped and preloaded with Microsoft Office Solutions for ultimate productivity on the go. It offers even better mobility by offering storage up to 100 GB of files on cloud via One Drive for two years for free. The device is packed with a 32 GB internal storage, and it is expandable up to 128 GB with external card.
The camera increases the usability as it comes with a larger camera lens aperture and delivers 60% brighter photos. For enhanced manageability, the tablet is built with a touch-enabled fingerprint scanner for hassle-free authentication. A built-in advanced security sensor now offers easy access to the personal device with a simple press against the home key. For the most streamlined device management options, it features Smart Manager, which displays the device's settings in a single screen, including battery power levels, storage and RAM availability for users to efficiently manage their devices. It is also pre-installed with an anti-malware for an extra layer of protection.
The tablet will come in 9.7-inch version with Wi-Fi and LTE. It will be available for sale across all retail outlets from today onwards.
Priced at ₹39,400 ($600 approx.), the device will be available in three colors, viz. Gold, Black and White.
Weight: 392 g
Packaged within the world thinnest and lightest metal tablet frame of its size, the tablet is portable enough to easily carry around all day. Also, the fashionable and stylish design is suitable for any purpose or setting, so users can enjoy the best viewing experience anywhere, anytime.
The device is super-slim and ultra-light at just 5.6 mm, and weighs only 392 g. Adaptive Display intelligently adjusts the display quality based on the environment and ambient lighting. Reading Mode modifies the screen's brightness level to help users to read content for longer periods of time without straining their eyes.
It comes with a new feature known as Side Sync that helps consumers replicate and control a smartphone or a laptop via the tablet itself. All features of a smartphone can be accessed easily on the tablet, even if the smartphone is kept away. This avoids the need of using two devices, and hence, helps in advanced usability. In addition, the device offers multi-tasking, allowing users to view and run two apps simultaneously. Also with Pop-Up Window, users can easily navigate between multiple apps at once.
The device delivers unmatched mobility to cater to high-efficiency users seeking maximized productivity. The tablet comes fully equipped and preloaded with Microsoft Office Solutions for ultimate productivity on the go. It offers even better mobility by offering storage up to 100 GB of files on cloud via One Drive for two years for free. The device is packed with a 32 GB internal storage, and it is expandable up to 128 GB with external card.
The camera increases the usability as it comes with a larger camera lens aperture and delivers 60% brighter photos. For enhanced manageability, the tablet is built with a touch-enabled fingerprint scanner for hassle-free authentication. A built-in advanced security sensor now offers easy access to the personal device with a simple press against the home key. For the most streamlined device management options, it features Smart Manager, which displays the device's settings in a single screen, including battery power levels, storage and RAM availability for users to efficiently manage their devices. It is also pre-installed with an anti-malware for an extra layer of protection.
The tablet will come in 9.7-inch version with Wi-Fi and LTE. It will be available for sale across all retail outlets from today onwards.
Priced at ₹39,400 ($600 approx.), the device will be available in three colors, viz. Gold, Black and White.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 specifications
Operating System: Android 5.0 Lollipop
Processor: octa-core (quad 1.9 GHz + quad 1.3 GHz)
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Storage: 32 GB internal, expandable up to 128 GB
Display: 9.7 inch Super AMOLED
Resolution (pixels): 2048x1536
Primary camera: 8 megapixel
Secondary camera: 2.1 megapixel
Battery: 5,870 mAh
Dimensions (WidthxHeightxDepth): 169.0x237.3x5.6 mm
Dimensions (WidthxHeightxDepth): 169.0x237.3x5.6 mm
Weight: 392 g
Price: Get a price on the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2
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