Chinese smartphone manufacturer Meizu Technology today announced the launch of Meizu M2 Note in India. The device will be available from 10th August, exclusively on Amazon India at ₹9,999 ($160 approx.). This device is being unveiled six months after the launch of its predecessor, the M1 Note (hands on). Some of the enriched features include the improved R-angle curve, an optimized camera and a brand-new mBack touch-sensitive button that behaves differently depending on the users input.
With the a polycarbonate body covering the magnesium-alloy frame, mBack enriches one-hand experience and your visual experience by offering 360-degree reliability. The device is made from a polycarbonate unibody which makes it uniform and light. It was designed for elegance and individuality with its white, blue, gray and pink colors.
With the new Flyme OS 4.5 based on Android 5.1, the new 64-bit CPU gives you the best experience together with the outstanding memory and battery management features of the latest Android version. The 64-bit MT6753 octa-core processor provides the smartphone with powerful and efficient performance. The processor that has 8 advanced 1.3 GHz Cortex A53 cores and the Mali-T720 GPU makes the device perfect for every situation.
The device is equipped with a Samsung 13 MP CMOS camera, which produces rich, sharp and extremely detailed pictures. The premium dual-tone flash delivers an accurate white balance, even in low-light environments. The zero-delay shooting technology captures every beautiful moment for you. The front camera is 5 MP. It is available in 16 GB and 32 GB storage capacities.
The device supports both TD-LTE and FDD-LTE 4G, which means that users can switch between them without any limitation. Two nano SIM cards can be inserted into the device's single tray. The card tray supports micro SD cards, with a storage capacity of 128 GB maximum.
The smartphone has a 5.5-inch screen with the 1080p full HD resolution, which looks natural and beautiful with its pixel density of 403 PPI. The GFF full lamination technology minimizes reflection and improves display quality.
With the new Flyme OS 4.5 based on Android 5.1, the new 64-bit CPU gives you the best experience together with the outstanding memory and battery management features of the latest Android version. The 64-bit MT6753 octa-core processor provides the smartphone with powerful and efficient performance. The processor that has 8 advanced 1.3 GHz Cortex A53 cores and the Mali-T720 GPU makes the device perfect for every situation.
The device is equipped with a Samsung 13 MP CMOS camera, which produces rich, sharp and extremely detailed pictures. The premium dual-tone flash delivers an accurate white balance, even in low-light environments. The zero-delay shooting technology captures every beautiful moment for you. The front camera is 5 MP. It is available in 16 GB and 32 GB storage capacities.
The device supports both TD-LTE and FDD-LTE 4G, which means that users can switch between them without any limitation. Two nano SIM cards can be inserted into the device's single tray. The card tray supports micro SD cards, with a storage capacity of 128 GB maximum.
The smartphone has a 5.5-inch screen with the 1080p full HD resolution, which looks natural and beautiful with its pixel density of 403 PPI. The GFF full lamination technology minimizes reflection and improves display quality.
Meizu M2 Note specifications
Operating System: Android 5.1 Lollipop
Processor: 1.3 GHz octa-core
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Storage: 16/32 GB internal, expandable up to 128 GB
Display: 5.5-inch full HD
Resolution (pixels): 1920x1080
Primary camera: 13 megapixel
Secondary camera: 5 megapixel
Battery: 3,100 mAh
Dimensions (WidthxHeightxDepth): 75.2x150.9x8.7mm
Weight: 149 g
Weight: 149 g
Price: Get a price on the Meizu M2 Note
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