[iPhone 5] Is it really the next big thing?

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iPhone 5
The noise on the internet grew ever louder as the rumblings of a behemoth grew more frequent. That sound was the iPhone 5 scheduled for release sometime in September or October at the latest; of course it came out on the 12th September and will be on the shelves of retailers like Phones 4U soon.

What we now know about the iPhone 5 is that we haven't seen any of the great technological advancements we expected. Apple continued to talk more about the evolution of their product opposed to a full-blown revolution. But what did this mean in practice?

The changes we have seen in the iPhone 5’s operating system have been the introduction of iOS 6, which will no doubt take advantage of the iPhone 5’s improved processing power with the A6 processor chip, and apply it to things like the new Maps app that will offer hi-spec 3D navigation. However, what has really kept the internet rumour-mill turning was how when Apple announced iOS 5 (the previous operating system) there was no mention of Siri’s inclusion in it. It is an apt representation of the cult that surrounds Apple that not mentioning something is a source of such feverish speculation.

The consensus was that Apple may throw another curveball in with iOS 6 having made it seem - at least when it was announced - that there would be nothing radically different about it. In terms of the iPhone 5’s hardware, Apple have produced their traditional ‘best in class’ battery life for a 4G LTE handset. If you have speaker-dock that fits one of the previous iPhone incarnations, you better get shopping for a new one because the size of the connector-port has been slightly altered with the iPhone 5. Happy shopping!


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