[Top 5] Gadgets for men

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Paul McCartney wanted his love to be here, there and everywhere, making his life better. Instead he finds gadgets doing the same for himself and billions of others. But while many gadgets can provide universal love, some of them capture attention or meet the necessity of either men or women. And so, here are the top five gadgets that are designed to be loved by men.

Top 5 gadgets for men

iRobot Scooba

iRobot Scooba
Source: Wikimedia

Living alone or in fraternity, most men prefer working on their muscles, or loving their bikes than doing house cleaning. And even if in some cases the previous isn't true, time is always attentive to snatch those extra minutes between work and rest. For such men, the iRobot Scooba is a great tech-pet to own! Priced around $400, this disc like gadget has its own automatic in-house navigation system. Now you know it knows the way, so what next? The Scooba, unlike the blundering Scooby Doo, preps the floor, washes it and then scrubs it like a hardworking maid, and in the end sucks up all the dirt containing water! A nice tech-pet to have, isn't it?

Cubicle Doorbell

Cubicle doorbell
Just like women must not be disturbed while cooking, men are to be left alone to work in their cubicles if they are to maintain their work rate. And some people really think of men's needs way too seriously. But that is good, isn't it? So, to bring more order to the office and improve the work rate, there is the Cubicle Doorbell. This bell lets you have all of it. And since it is priced at just $10, anyone and everyone can afford one.



This gadget is a requirement of every working man. With a lot of work to do, meetings to arrange and virtual information to share, a laptop and a portable internet connection is a necessity. The price of a laptop can vary a lot, so which one to choose depends on the features you are willing to get. Read some tips for buying a laptop before you actually get one.

Mp3 Player

Mp3 player
Source: Wikimedia

Men are not meant to stay at home. Fishing, hunting, trekking, adventure sports, mainstream sports, tree climbing, body building, boxing, driving, rapping. The list goes on. All this requires not only stamina but a great deal of motivation and distraction from conscious mental exhaustion. For this purpose, an mp3 player works like a Swiss pocket knife, which every man must have. Music is the best motivator, and different genres suit the activities mentioned above. The mind is kept distracted from conscious exhaustion and thus, aids the cause. Mp3 players are small and attachable to clothing. And some of them can be protected in sturdy casings in cases of adventurous outings. And if you are the proud owner of a car, you must check out this awesome speakerphone for your car, which can increase your music experience manifold.

Portable Solar Charger

Portable solar charger
Source: Wikimedia

For the same reasons that make an mp3 player a necessity, the portable solar charger is a must have for men. Almost always on the go, yet not wanting to be disconnected from friends, loved ones and social networking, this portable power source is powerful enough to charge any electronic device. And what's best? It works on solar energy and so is ever ready! Plus it is fold-able like a paper, and can be attached to a car's window to be recharged. Technology says "All men must go on an adventure; I am there to aid you in every way!"


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