[Top] Android apps for teachers

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Apps for teachers
Teachers are the ones who are the source of inspiration for their students. It is the teacher who is an ideal for the students. In modern day world, the teacher has to remain updated in all spheres to answer queries of the students. Today, android has become one of the most coveted gadget OS throughout the world. Even digital cameras cannot stay away from the magic of android. One such example is the Android powered Nikon Coolpix S800c. The world of android is gifted with a thousands useful apps. These are extremely popular among professionals, especially teachers, as different android applications helps unburden their workload as well as enhance the quality of education.

Here are some of the best android applications that all teachers or professors should have on their hi-tech phones.

iGradr Teacher Pocket Grader
This application has certainly helped teachers unburden their work pressure. One of the main tasks of this application is to learn innovative techniques, measure their own teaching skills as well as evaluate the progress of the students. This application also helps to calculate the score gained by a student during an examination, thereby offering appropriate grades.
Math Practice Flash Cards

Owing to use of innovative technology, Math Practice Flash Cards have gained significance midst the community of Maths teachers. With this application, the teachers can easily perform basic math application as per the student requirements. Moreover, several other functionalities can be performed, which include Negative Answers, Multiple Choice, Try Until Correct, Redo Missed Cards and set the number of cards for each set. Each flash card includes animation along with sound effects to captivate the attention of students. These flash cards make mathematics an enjoyable experience.
Kids ABC Phonics Lite

This tool is for small kids who are in the phase of learning alphabets. This application not only makes them learn about the alphabets but also their pronunciation and sounds. Moreover, teachers can use this tool to make kids learn alphabets in an innovative and enjoyable manner. This application has four different modes including Build Letter Blocks, Learn Letter Sounds, Pop Letter Bubbles and Make Words.

Another useful application for teachers is Wikipedia; this tool helps in satisfying curiosity of young minds. However, teachers are updated in their respective field but still being human one do not have answer to each and every question and in such cases Wikipedia is extremely useful. This Wikipedia application is a software encyclopedia which one can download on android device and get updated with latest information about any topic. It is the ultimate solution for all the problems. This application helps you fit encyclopedia inside your pocket.

These applications make android the best purchase for teachers. Today, most of the professionals are using android in order to make their life easy which is otherwise filled with complication and stress. Android has certainly been successful in proving its worth in academic field and has changed the outlook of children towards education. With these Smartphones entering in our lives, education is certainly not boring stuff anymore; rather it is as interesting as a cartoon series.

Do you know any other useful application? Do share them so that we can also take a look.


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