[Top 3] iPad Apps for running PowerPoint

Apps for iPad
iPad is light in weight and equally small in size, and this has equally made it an excellent and sophisticated tool which is being used for your business presentations. Since apps are updated and released on periodical basis, therefore, it is imperative for you to know more and check the stores for new offerings. The following iPad applications are going to help in running PowerPoint on your device.

Documents To Go Premium

"Documents To Go", or DTG, is synonymous with completely different software versions. However, you only have the luxury to edit and run PowerPoint presentations from the premium version. DTG premium gives you the convenience of keeping your presentations in their original PowerPoint format. Hence, it does not have much conversion errors as compared to Keynote. It is able to handle .pptx and .ppt files. Thereby, you can use presentations which are created in any version of PowerPoint.

You can edit as well as create either file type within the app. Features here are comparably not as much as they are in Keynote.

DTG integrates automatically with popular and renowned cloud services in the form of Sugar Sync, Dropbox, and Google Docs. Therefore, it is able to easily give you the luxury of accessing your presentations. It also gives you the convenience of running them in a permanent way by using your iPad’s storage space. Although the interface stands out to be comparably basic than that of  Keynote, yet it gives you the luxury for effective and everlasting presentations with the least possible effort.


Although Keynote uses its own format, yet it imports and exports PowerPoint files. Therefore, it gives you the luxury to edit as well as run the files from your iPad. Since Apple has developed the app, therefore it is synonymous with various enhanced and sophisticated features of Apple iPad, like touch screen which has the gestures and automatic save features.

If you convert from PowerPoint to Keynote format, then it might cause errors in your slides with non-standard formats. Hence, in such a case, you are required to import your presentation as early as possible. In this way, you are going to make adjustments with the Keynote editing features. Hence, it assists you towards restoring your slides prior to your presentation. Thereby, you ensure a smooth presentation which is devoid of any sorts of problems or worries as well. 

QuickOffice Pro HD

QuickOffice is a step between DTG and Keynote. Here, you can only create or edit .ppt files. You can equally view .pptx presentations. However, having said that, if they are not imported in a correct way, then you cannot do any thing towards correcting them on the device. QuickOffice features are synonymous with sophisticated features in the form of a laser pointer like Keynote along with a user-friendly interface and Dropbox integration.

Finally, you need to know that if you frequently run PowerPoint presentations on your computer, use QuickOffice or Keynote for presentation and DTG Premium for editing. This will help you in successfully exploiting wide range of facilities which are there for you.

This is a guest post by Sai, who is from India and works in Slash Services Media. He personally creates timelines using OfficeTimeline, the best PowerPoint timeline maker.


  1. And don't fprget Presentation Note - this app made the most perfect conversions of powerpoints on my iPad.

    1. @breeja thanks for recommending Presentation Note, will definitely give it a try.
      Keep visiting and keep sharing :)
