[Top 10] Unusual Features of iOS 6

Unusual features
The iOS 6 update launched by Apple was announced to have about 200 extra features as compared to its predecessor. Discussing all 200 is not possible, so which of these stood out from the rest of the crowd? The following 10 features have been picked for our readers.

Walking Directions in the i-Maps

Walking directions in iMaps

image source: Flickr

In iOS 6, walking directions continue to be available. To locate them, just tap the arrow "directions" key in Maps and you will see your current destinations. Then, you can toggle in between driving, walking, as well as public transit. Walking directions work without any problem. Meanwhile, if this solution feature isn't enough to fulfill your needs then you may try out the Lumatic.

Archive or Remove Messages in mail

To perform this, open any message, tap and hold on the Archive key, and select your option. The unfortunate fact is you need to actually open the message to get this done. You can't tap the Archive key to get these options.

Launch Apps using Siri

Siri has become smarter in iOS 6, however they neglected to point out that she'd launch apps for you. All you need to do is activate Siri after which say the word "launch" and the name of the app you need to open.

Synchronize Your Text Shortcuts with other devices

iOS 6 has made feature better still, allowing you sync it with the other iOS devices (as an iPod as well as an iPad). To do this, you'll need to sign up to iCloud. After that, go to Settings > iCloud, and scroll right down to Documents & Data. Tap the option, the switch to On, and do exactly the same on your other iOS 6 gadgets.

Receive Message Alerts from your Contacts only

If you don't desire to be bothered by persons who aren't in your contacts, like spam bots, iOS 6 enables you to ignore them.

Late night Listening

Although not available on all the gadgets, the newer iPads and iPhones have a new Equalizer setting: Late Night. This feature reduces bass levels and attempts to create your music less-intrusive at night so you may listen and drift off easily without becoming distracted by something too jarring.

Wake up with a Song

No longer is it necessary to wake up to your ring tones. Instead, you can choose any song from your library. You may even record yourself suggesting waking the hell up, syncing it with your device. Or you can just pick a song that you want. In any case, you now have your choice. That's greatly appreciated.

Prevent Ad Tracking

Everybody is trying to track you on the internet, and your phone is no different. If you'd rather want advertisers not track your activity and send targeted ads, iOS 6 lets you turn off tracking with an easy button.

A lot of New Emoji

Many people like their emoji - the cute icons you can include to messages, e-mail, or any place which accepts textual content in iOS. Apple just added a lot of new options.

Pull to Refresh

Pull to refresh is among the best gestures which Apple took alongside forever to follow. iOS 6 finally enables you to refresh your mail accounts and many other data sources simply with a pull.

Do you know any other feature which should have made its place in this list? Do let us know in the comments below.

Attached image source: Texample

This is a guest post by Rabby, who is a tech blogger and freelance writer working on his latest tech blogs Techie Mode and TechieInYou.com


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    1. @mubashir Glad you liked the article! Keep reading and keep sharing :)
