[Social media] Local and international campaigns, and how one can benefit from them

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social media marketingWhen it comes to the difference between local social marketing and international social media marketing campaigns, the most glaring one is that the latter is all about involving people at a wider scope. International marketing campaigns involve a number of countries from all around the world, since the brands promoted are global in nature. When it comes to local social media marketing, the companies that engaged in them are targeted while coverage is limited to a particular city, state, or country.

As it is, companies that engage in international-type of social media campaigns, are those that are known all over the world, with its products being patronized worldwide. A company that pursues international marketing campaign possesses an international profile and has strategic marketing goals that include worldwide markets. However, it is an efficient tactic to focus its social networking campaign at localized markets as well.

Increase in incidence of international social media marketing campaigns

There has been a major shift among large and small-sized companies from local to international social media network campaign. This is mainly due to the significant globalization of every economy all around the world. US Companies are particularly involved in international type of social media marketing campaigns since they focus in the delivery of their brands to new territories overseas for greater profits.

Facebook.com is at the top of the list of social media network websites that are used for international promotional campaigns. Not only is Facebook the most popular, but also is the most utilized site by web developers when it comes to SEO purposes; which is why it is the perfect site for online marketing campaign.

Over 80% of total Facebook accounts belong to users that live outside the United States and Canada. On the other hand, 70% of Twitter users are found outside the United States. These figures show just how these two major social networking websites are highly powerful tools when it comes to online social media promotional campaigns.

Steps to Effectively Take advantage of international social media marketing campaigns

1. Segregate various markets individually

While you are focused in marketing on a global scale, it is advisable to treat distinct markets individually. While you can easily deal with responses and feedback if your campaign is done on a limited area, it is not the same worldwide. For instance, a major promotional activity that earned success in Ireland might not be effective in other countries such as Brazil or South Korea.  In other words, you must take into account the particular traits of a single location and campaign accordingly.

2. Engage your global audience

It is advised to connect fully to your targeted local audience when implementing your social media campaign. Engagement is even more important if you have to market your brand to a much wider audience. Whether you face a small or global audience, it is a must that you interact with them by asking for comments and suggestions. This will help you in your desire to improve your brand or offering.  It is a must that you don’t assume what your audience thinks and believes about your product. Instead, always seize every chance to connect with your audience.

3. Go for Multiple Social Media Accounts

While it can be convenient for a company to create a single social media account that will cover its local and worldwide audience, it is advisable to build different accounts; preferably one for every location in which it is based overseas. It is ideal to have such accounts managed by a local brand officer since he is in the best position to determine which will and won’t be appropriate in the locality in terms of social media marketing. For every account, it is best to have an overall manager from the brand headquarters to monitor and know the process of marketing campaign.

Finally, while there is so much to think about and work on when it comes to implementing social media marketing campaign, once it is done properly – the benefits in terms of establishment of the brand worldwide as well as increase in profits will likely to be attained. Local social media marketing works hand in hand with international campaign since the former works to achieve marketing success in the central location.


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