[Top 4] Google projects that will take its competitors head-on

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Google just got over with its I/O conference for this year (hope you watched it live on our blog). As expected, many new things were announced. Android M, Android Pay, Android Wear, Google Photos, App Campaigns, Brillo, Offline Maps, Now on Tap, Android Studio, Google Cardboard, Project Loon, Google's driverless cars were the few interesting things they talked about. To my disappointment, there was no news on new Nexus devices. I'll do a separate post to jot down the important facts discussed in the keynote. In this post, however, I will focus on four such things which Google announced that will give tech giants a feeling of tough competition. Read on to find out more.

Google I/O 15

Android Pay

Android Pay can be termed as an improved version of Android Wallet, but it seems quite ready to compete with Apple Pay. The technology utilized is none other than NFC, just like Apple did. The idea is to also use Android Pay for in-app purchases. Not sure if it will work out in India or not, it still sounds promising. Entrepreneurs and startup owners please take note.

Google Photos

This new tool by the search giant lets you store unlimited photos and videos in one place, for free! Yes, you heard it right. Images up to 16 megapixels and videos up to 1080p are acceptable. Although they were hidden under the infamous Google Plus, Google had always been a master when it comes to photography and the features provided. Now with the announcement of Google Photos, it is ready to compete with Flickr! Beware Yahoo.

Offline Maps

There was already a way to download a specific map, and then refer to it while offline, just like for Youtube videos. But, Google has taken the whole thing to a new level. By using Offline Maps, we can now use navigation while offline. We will get destination information and voice directions without being connected to the internet. Pretty cool, right? Nokia won't agree with us though! Is it an end for HERE Maps, or just the beginning for Google Maps? Tough to comment.

Project Loon

After #SaveTheInternet and #NetNeutrality campaigns making rounds all over the internet (including social media), Google has announced its version of free internet - the Project Loon. You guessed it right, here, Loon is the short name for a balloon. The idea is the same, to provide internet access to rural areas across the world, to take a step further towards a connected world. But will they be able to do it in an ethical manner, or will get criticized for it, just like Facebook was for Internet.org. Well, this can be known only when the future events unfold. But, Mr. Zuck, congrats on earning a worthy and capable competitor in the form of Google.

For the end customer, competition is always a good thing. Let's just hope that it is a healthy one! One thing which I can definitely say is that Google is now on a killing spree. Only thing to see is if it will kill the competition, or get killed in the process. Beast mode activated, eh?


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