[Comparison] Mobile phone specs from different producers

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Comparison of various mobile phones
Many mobile phones you see on the shelves today at retailers will have an awful lot in common; with camera pixilation beginning to even out at 8 mega pixels and screens tending to tip above the 4 inch mark. Nevertheless, each producer has its own niche angle on the market, and you must discern what’s important to you before buying a phone.

If cost is important but you value a good camera and all round ease of use, the Sony Xperia range is a good bet. The screens are lovely and bright, and the image quality is excellent on even lower budget models like the Xperia U and the Xperia P. Top this off with some of the finest aesthetics on the market and the modern Sony generation of phones is a sure fire winner.

Many users play games on their phones these days, so a big screen is a necessity. Anyone who values the world of multimedia may well desire something beyond the iPhone’s relatively small 3.5 inch display and covet a larger model nearer the 5 inch mark. The new iPhone 5 could be worth waiting for in this respect, as it’s rumoured it’ll have a 5 inch screen. Otherwise the Samsung Galaxy S3 has a hefty 4.8 inch display and the HTC One X has a bright 4.7 inch screen. We may well be entering a world where screens below 4 inches are somewhat old hat.

Most cameras on modern phones seem to be sticking at around the 8 mega pixel mark, with other areas of innovation being used to produce sharper images such as better lenses and highly sophisticated light sensors.

Once a camera reaches this level of pixilation we really need to research image quality, and not presume that a higher pixel rate will make a huge difference. The Motorla Razr, Huawei Ascend D Quad, LG Optimus 4X HD, Galaxy S3 and HTC One X all have 8MP cameras.

Do you want any other model to be included in the comparison? Do tell us in the comments below.


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