A brief history of gaming - from arcade level games to smartphone applications and online games

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Initially, electronic games were available only in specialized gaming arcades, where people had to shell out hard cash in order to play for a couple of minutes. In recent times, this concept was captured in the movie Wreck-It Ralph. Nowadays, this kind of arcades do exist, but their popularity has gone down considerably. Hugely popular games like Temple Run and Cut the Rope are found in arcades nowadays, but the experience isn't as complete as playing on our mobile phones. These machines needed huge investment and they break down often. People had to spend money on a recurring basis, so these types of games lost popularity among busy people.


Later came the stage when people bought their own personal computers. This was in 1980s. Then, they didn't want to go to such arcades, therefore a foray of games like Dave and Pac-Man gained popularity among the masses. As computer graphics technology improved, games like Road Rash and Need for Speed came into existence. People were still not satisfied, and because of the thirst for better games, we got games like Counter-Strike, Halo, and Call of Duty.

Popular games during 1980

The video games industry shifted it's approach when people started using smartphones - even extremely simple games gained a huge fan following, but among all these games there was a huge void, that is online gaming.

Our society has become one in which convenience is a key factor in motivating consumer behavior. Much of the convenience we enjoy in our daily lives is a result of technological advancements. The technological development that has made the greatest impact on our society is the internet. With the internet, many things once impossible are now an accepted reality of everyday life. We even rely on the internet to provide us with entertainment including gaming.

Mobile phone technology has improved, as has the access to the internet. Today's mobile phones or smartphones are being designed keeping in mind the hardware and other features, in order to improve the internet experience.

Mobile phones are different to personal computers in that they feature a wider range of operating systems. This has led online game producing companies to develop mobile versions of their sites to accommodate many kinds of mobile phones. By providing a product that appeals to more people, it also has helped to allow access to online gaming. As a result, more people are seeing value in this way of accessing gaming.


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