[Offer] Hubspot offers a 30-day free trial

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HubSpot brings your whole marketing world together in one powerful, integrated system.

It's time to reshape the way we think about marketing. Stop pushing. Start attracting. Stop interrupting. Start engaging. HubSpot's Inbound Marketing Software gives you all the tools you need to make marketing that people will actually love - earning quality leads and loyal customers in return.
Optimize your website to get found by more prospects and convert more of them into leads and paying customers with HubSpot's inbound marketing software. 
HubSpot's software helps marketers take advantage of the changing nature of how people research and shop for products/services, bringing together a suite of Internet marketing tools for the small or medium sized business, including tools for search engine optimization, business blogging, content publishing, lead tracking and intelligence, marketing analytics, and competitor analysis. HubSpot is web-based, does not require any IT staff, and is designed to be used by a marketing person, not a techie.

The most interesting aspect of the internet's impact on business from HubSpot's perspective is in how it has changed the nature of shopping and subsequently the shape of every vendor's sales funnel. Ten years ago, if a company was interested in buying a new product/service, it started by attending trade shows, reading industry journals, and going to seminars to learn more. Early in the shopping process, it would engage directly with the key vendors' (sales) people who would feed them asymmetric information from the top of their sales funnel to the bottom of their funnel. Today, that same process looks very different. The potential customer starts in Google by searching on relevant keywords. The prospect would spend time on each vendor's site, subscribe to the most interesting vendor blogs, subscribe to the vendor's customers' blogs, join an industry discussion forum, etc. Relatively late in the prospect's decision cycle, it would engage the vendor's (sales) people directly. That first vendor conversation today is much different from the one a decade ago because the prospect often knows as much about the vendor's product as the sales rep does and the prospect is already much more "qualified." The result of this shift in shopping patterns is that the internet has tended to make every marketplace more "efficient."

HubSpot's vision is to provide a (killer) marketing application and provide great advice to businesses of all sizes enabling them to leverage these disruptive effects of the internet to "get found" by more prospects shopping in their niche, convert a higher percentage of prospects into customers and analyze the results to figure out what works for their target audience.

The All-in-One Marketing Software by Hubspot

It helps you do the following:
  • Help prospects find you online.
  • Nurture your leads and drive conversions.
  • Measure and improve your inbound marketing.
  • Access the marketplace for apps and integrations.
The complete package consists of the following features:
  • Search Engine Optimization, including keyword analysis, link tracking abd page-level SEO.
  • Blogging and social media, including blogging software, analytics, social media monitoring and publishing.
  • Lead generation, including landing pages, CMS and A/B testing.
  • Lead management, including anonymous company tracking, lead intelligence and CRM integration.
  • Email and marketing automation, including email management, lead nurturing and marketing automation.
  • Marketing analytics, including closed-loop reporting, website analysis and competitor tracking.
  • Useful apps and services to meet any marketing need.


The company offers three plans to its customers, viz. basic, professional and enterprise.

As a valued reader of Today's Trendy, you can order a 30-day free trial of this magic software. You can avail this benefit by clicking this link only. If you don't want to continue using the service, just cancel before the trial ends and you won't be charged. Otherwise, you'll pay the monthly plan fee for the services as long as your account is open. You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel anytime.

Your Free Trial of HubSpot:
  • Gives you tools to get found online by more qualified visitors.
  • Shows you how to convert more visitors into leads.
  • Gives you tools to close those leads efficiently.
  • Provides analytics to help you make smart marketing investments.
Your free trial gives you access to all of HubSpot's tools and customer-only resources.
There's no riskno obligation, and no credit card required.

After you click on the link above, you will be redirected to a webpage where you will be required to fill a form. Provide valid details and you are good to go! Enjoy!

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